Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Senior Member

Posts: 268
Joined: Jun 2004

Tuesday 07/13/04 4:14 PM (NEW!)

Well its true. SOL for bureaus is based on date of last voluntary payments. So 7 years after a settlement is paid it can appear there. I'm more concerned why he is advising they not pay monies borrowed.

One of the favoirte arguments of Dr Tix and all the hens in the AoC henhouse is that by paying your debt as you promised you would, you can ACTUALLY hurt your credit. Well, if you hadn't hit hard times and defaulted, or wavered later, you may have fullfilled your contractual obligation by now and it would still be there in 7 years. They just have a problem with a tradeline that reports accurately, their inability to be trusted.

Thats the best argument: "Its not on my credit, so why pay?" Or, "If i pay it off, its going to reflect my actual payment history." Just own up to your mistake and take your lumps.

I am surprised any of these people are worried about rushing out to get more open lines anyhow, if the industry is so corrupt. I've gone 26 years without using credit and I guess I am "holier than thou." So should I be equal or beneath debtors then? I mean, I resisted tempation, you tell me Dr Tix.

Senior Member

Posts: 268
Joined: Jun 2004

Tuesday 07/13/04 4:52 PM (NEW!)

I was wrong then. I want to know more <---- things a consumer would NEVER say.

I see a sorta interesting thread by Dr Tix in our playpen about deletions. I actually did absorb some info from AofC, apparently not always right. (waaaa?)

Something else I wanted to know is how hard expunction is after a SIF.

Maybe when Derek gets back handing out chewing gum and shiny bits to the tribesmen we will find out. ha ha.. derek vs. the volcano.

Average Joe

Posts: 141
Joined: Apr 2004

Tuesday 07/13/04 5:41 PM (NEW!)

lol picantel.. in all seriousness, I am going to back off of you..

Your posts are making so little sense, but they're so funny.

My lunch just shot out my nose across my office, I'm convulsing in laughter.

You should run for mayor in your city..


Posts: 113
Joined: Mar 2004

Tuesday 07/13/04 5:43 PM (NEW!)

Originally posted by: Stiffler
I was wrong then. I want to know more <---- things a consumer would NEVER say.

Maybe when Derek gets back handing out chewing gum and shiny bits to the tribesmen we will find out. ha ha.. derek vs. the volcano.

Bubblicious packaged with shards of glass....

hmmmm.... AJ, if I am incorrect, and I very well may be, please enlighten me. I really DO want to know.... and if I need to make a correction to my understanding, I will scurry right on over to AoC and APOLOGIZE to all those misinformed debtors that I inadvertantly led astray....

(*gasp*), I may even learn something about my own industry from "PIC" ???!!! Shoot me now !!! I will rue the day I have to come crawling to a CA-hater to say, "you were right"....

alrighty, fellas, it's Miller time and I've got things to do. I'm going to kick myself for the amount of time I spent on these boards today....good thing I sign my own paycheck!