Sick and perverted debt collectors.
A debt collector had called her when she couldn't meet her next promised payment and told her that if she didn't give them a check they would publish her name as a deadbeat in the local paper, put a lien on her house and go to her husband's work and throw him in jail.
Needless to say she was terrified when she called me. Said they even swore at her. Needless to say she was quite relieved to learn that they could not do any of those things and furthermore that it was illegal to even do or say any of the things she related to me. Then was when she got over crying and got mad. It was just a small bill and so she had not told her husband about it and when the debt collector told her all that nasty stuff she said she couldn't even sleep last night because she was afraid her husband would find out.
Well, maybe she should not have been hiding stuff from her husband but be that as it may, they had no right to cuss her out and threaten to do all that stuff to her and her husband.
I'm always monitoring the various debt collector orientated forums and just came across this on one of the forums. Raw pornographic action picture. But that is just the way lots of debt collectors are. Sick perverted people claiming to be helping people but all the while screaming at them and cussing them out, threatening to throw them in jail and anything else that comes to their feeble minds.
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