Monday, July 19, 2004

Boobus Americanus

Kicking the Bully’s Dog

by Butler Shaffer
by Butler Shaffer

Boobus Americanus – a species brought to our attention by
H.L. Mencken – has long been torn between two competing sentiments:
the first, born of self-righteousness, demands the punishment of wrongdoers,
with the penalty having less to do with the wrong than with the need to relieve
some deeper, unrequited sense of anger. This need for punitive reaction
becomes most troubling when a wrong is perpetrated not upon the physical
being of Boobus, but upon a collective identity he shares.

This pretty well sums up the way that most debt collectors feel about
debtors and therefore richly deserve the title of Boobus Americanus.

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Joined: Jun 2004

Monday 07/19/04 9:15 PM (NEW!) View thread in raw text format

I wish I could be a plucky young collector again... something
besides this bitter 26 yr old curmudgeon... I remember when
I used to get 3% of every 30% of...

aww I don't know what I was gonna say funny there.
I'm just too tired. I don't know how to keep it new,
other than take about 4 months off.

This job sucks flacid carrots.