Yesterday we saw a prime example of the deceit and misinformation debt collectors spread in any forum they possibly can. The following two posts to this forum by "Cartman" were actually by one of the scumbags of which I spoke. "Cartman",
Uncle Normie, "LawDog" "ISO more credit", "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "E. Normis Debtor" and untold numbers of equally false screen names are used by this particular
vermin to help spread his malicious garbage. Another trick he loves to use is a program called "Dingo anonymous remailer" which is a program which will allow anyone to spam all the newsgroups with whatever junk posts the dingo user might want to spam out. All of us hate spammers with a purple passion because they fill up our emails, our forums and our newsgroups with whatever unsolicited and often malicious garbage comes to their evil minds.
Cartman (or whatever fictitious name he happens to use next) is the epitome of that kind of person. Uncle Normie aka Cartman also totally and completely disregards Google's terms of service agreement as well as those of in many ways. That blog he is so proud of was shut down once already by and that is likely to happen again at any time.
He mentions which is a debt collector message board where these scumbags get together to beat up on each other and any hapless consumer who happens along to ask them some question or other, post obscene messages about their latest sexual encounters and fantasies.
Uncle Normie just loves to put up self serving polls asking silly questions about how great he is and how he is #1 in search engines and claims to have the worlds #1 ranking blog. Of course, anyone who is knowledgeable about blogs knows that can't possibly be anything but another big lie.
As I have said many times before, one can never trust anything a scumbag debt collector says and "Uncle Normie" aka "cartman", "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor" is undoubtedly the ultimate proof of that statement.
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From: Cartman | Another fraudulent post by Bill Bauer Creditwrench. The original is at PCMHOLDINGS.COM discussion forum. The original post was different. Another effort by Bill Bauer to mislead consumers. | |
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From: Cartman | also go to and search in discussions about creditwrench or Bill Bauer. Bill Bauer has done a number of questionable acts including faking a fire to urge decent folk to give donations to his PayPal account but he was caght. Don't trust Bill Bauer or Creditwrench. | |
He loves to bray about such things as the above claiming that I faked a fire to urge decent folk to give donations to my PayPal account. Truth of the matter is that I never asked anybody for a crying dime although somebody did get on creditnet and did such a solicitation even though it was without my knowledge or consent but since nobody ever sent me even one penny of donations as a result of the unwanted solicitation it really don't make any difference to anybody except this scumbag debt collector who just loves to spam egroups, message boards, blogs and newsgroups or anything else he can think of to protect his paycheck.
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