All in fun, eh?
Wheeeeere, oh wheeeeeere has my Credit Wrench gone.....
oh, WHEEEEEEEERE, oh wheeeeeere can he beeeeeeee ......
(hmmmm......why is madonna's "Like a Virgin" suddenly coming to mind here?)
Wrench, it's been HOURS since Normie posted the above and you haven't responded. That's not your style. You usually balk and scoff regardless how incriminating or damaging the evidence against you. Has the phone company shut off your DSL again because the check you gave them bounced?
I have an idea for you to make money. Buy and sell portfolios and simply be yourself (lying, deceiving, falsely representing, etc) and you'll make tens of thousands each and every month.
Derek, apparently you are unaware it's Annual Sheep Shearing Days in Oklahoma City. Billie boy is out rounding up a few new "wives".
Fraudulent scams found here.
All in fun, eh? Well maybe you and your maniacal debt collector buddies think so but
most decent folks would be horrified by such postings from people who claim to be "professionals" in their industry.
And then to top it all off we have the following.
Billllliiiieeeeee, Dont Leave meeeeeeee
Then a picture of a sheep
I thought you loooooovvveeeedddd meeeeee
That isn't the least bit funny even if you think it is.
And then even more of it.
E. Normis wrote:
Billie boy is out rounding up a few new "wives".
Tijuana 1973 all over again.....
Now then, if that were all of it one might be willing to excuse it and go along with a bit of poking fun at someone but when you have a debt collector's forum filled with that and other postings discussing how they convince unsuspecting women to have sex with them in exchange for cancelling their debts and many, many other such despicable acts more than sufficient to shock and outrage the sensibilities of any decent person then the evidence becomes so overwhelming that it is irrefutable.
Simply put, the preponderance of the evidence convicts you of being a cyberstalket and a dangerous person indeed.
In fact, a far bigger disgrace to society than even that famous person now standing trial in California for child molestation.
You can cry and deny all you want but nobody is likely to believe you except for a few of your buddies.
Just to prove that fact why is it that all of the regulars have quit posting or even visiting that board? Could it be that they are agast at your antics over there? Quite a few have left and aren't coming back.
Can't say as I blame them.
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