Sunday, May 01, 2005

A raving mad debt collector

Rolling on floor laughing my ass off

Is this guy a raving lunatic or what? One thing we know for sure is that he is a spammer of the first magnitude trying to get attention for his crazy blog which he doesn't even know how to manage. He is also spamming many other groups as some of you already know. Have you all noticed that he stole the name of my website at and turned it into a blog? This guy would make a great subject for the TV show "Worlds dumbest criminals" where they show all the dumb and funny things criminals do in an attempt to escape the law.

Reply Message 4 in Discussion
From: Cartman

Billie Bauer Bill Bauer the Creditwrench made racial slurs, My stars how can he get away with this. Heavenly days! For the lowdown on this scoundrel see
Don't see this site unless you are a true brave American for the depravities of this man, will scare the most stouthearted. A tribunal shall be held one day my friends when this villian will be brought to justice. Oh the humanity! What is the true reason behind the sinking of the Titanic? What Creditwrench doesn't want you to know won't hurt you or will it???????? FIND OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!!