Thursday, September 09, 2004

I see we have had an interesting post in the comments section on one of the archive pages

Mattie found the archive page in one of the search engines and stopped by to leave her comment. She thought it was something to do with home improvement. So as a result of what her search engine told her she came over for an education about debt collectors and found out what they are like and all about them that she will probably ever need to

Of course, she also found out about my other blogs and webpages too. She isn't the only one by a long shot who finds out about the collections industry and the boneheads who work and live in that ugly atmosphere.

Of course, the idiot debt collector who calls himself "Stiffler" on the message boards can't figure out the purpose of this blog and all of the others being spawned every day so he leaves this dumb-assed post on the message board. Of course, it will show up in todays archives and be preserved for posterity thanks to Google and all the rest of the search engines.

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Posts: 892
Joined: Jun 2004

Wednesday 09/08/04 9:33 PM (NEW!)

Yeah. We didn't notice him 3 days ago, and we won't notice him 3 hours from now. I feel so sorry for that lummox, I honestly thought he was funny and smart for a while... albeit off his rocker.

I guess I am as gullible as his 'pupils.' Wretch, lemme guess, theres one 'pupil' born every minute? If you are raking in 10k a month then why the crappy free blog site and a flash animated movie in a can that my 6 year old nephew LITERALLY has outdone on his mac. He has aliens and stuff abducting stick men and at the very least a decent script. Pathetic.

If you weren't lying "out the side of your face" (a phrase you use too much). What you be saving that money for? You can't take it with you and you've already reached the average life expectency for a male.. give up now. Don't worry, we'll send you postcards c/o Old Pinko at Shady Acres.

Just sad. What you've become.. or maybe you where all along. To think we share some same beliefs. The reason I found your site was a google for budhibbsexposed. Thats probably your doing to.
Wrong again, bubblebrain! Now then, anybody with even half a brain would not normally go searching for "budhibbsexposed" unless they already knew that the page existed or had created it themselves or knew of somebody who did. I found out about it too, but not because I went searching for bud hibbs or budhibbsex or worse yet budhibbsexposed. I found out about it on another forum and as any normal person would, shook my head in amazement. I just knew it had to have been done by some stupid debt collector trying to discredit the man.

Although I may disagree with a couple of the things that Mr. Hibbs espouses I at least have to give him credit for helping to expose vermin such as yourself and do what he can to help eradicate the likes of you.

We always prefer war on our own terms to peace on someone else's. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
an interesting post in the comments section on one of the archive pages

Then, of course, we click on that link and go to that webpage and hit the big red PING ME! button and that page gets posted to all the search engines too.

So to stiffhead and all his cronies at Kalkin, all I got to say to you is that you might not have known about this blog 3 or 4 days ago and you might not care about it 3 hours from now as you say. That's fine. Just keep on ignoring it if you can, but rest assured that your clients and those you depend on to get stupid and pay you won't miss it for long.

I'm sure you have heard the old saying that ignorance is bliss so you must plan on being one happy fool indeed. In otherwords, you aren't the joke here but only the butt of it.


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Posts: 901
Joined: Jun 2004

Thursday 09/09/04 3:01 PM (NEW!)

Well said all, its so addicting to see him get tangled in conspiracy. I have accomplished what I want. He has things so mixed up back-ackwards over there I almost feel bad for him, like maybe I should send him some Ginko-biloba or make a donation to stem-cell research in his name.

He is accusing me of being some ivy on some forum I've never heard of because of "the style of writing" we share.... and because I don't like Bud Hibbs I must be the author posting things around for the link to the "expose." He almost has me confused now. But its funny he thought he knew who this "Mattie" character is AND accused me of being two other people I am not..

Three strikes you are out old man!! Wow, thats paranoia. I am sorry for the distraction folks, no longer will I talk to Mr 'Father, Son & Holy Ghost' all rolled into one.. its just important people on here that get my attention from now on.

Then again, what do I know. I'm a lowly bill collector who's balls haven't even dropped yet.


Originally posted by: Creditwrench I enjoy the time I spend with the kids