Creditwrench is high tech
CREDITWRENCH is a winner
Uncle Normie is a fool who thinks that spamming everybody is going to get attention to his junkpile blog. He loudly proclaims that his doglog is the "blog ranked #1 in the world" but doesn't realize that to even get a ranking at all it has to come from somebody else. So let us click on the link below and see how many are actually linking to him and what they have to say.
Technorati Cosmos: other blogs commenting on this post
Of course, in his next post he will rant and rave about how you should never click on any link that I provide because that will likely give you a virus and even if it don't the link will be full of false and misleading information. He emphasizes that by the fact that his cybersquatter webpage which is hosted on and that is where my webpage is also hosted. So much for that false and misleading claim of his.
To top it all off, the link above is not to a personal webpage but to a search engine that will tell you exactly what is being said about Uncle Normie and his army of false and misleading screen names.
He is so brainy that he thinks that spamming 120,000 newsgroups will get him lots of links but what he don't know is that he is fighting a virtual buzzsaw that has a huge headstart on him. He has no idea how to use even such rudimentary things as meta tags , let alone how to use API calls and other types of automatic feeds, he has no idea about how to use page ranking, no idea about how to do SEO, no idea about how to use blogs to do his posting, no idea about how to use audio posts or how to do his own video posts. In fact, the only thing he knows how to do is how to cybersmear and how to spam 120,000 newsgroups feeding them all the same false and misleading information.
In contrast, let us see what others have to say when we check the same search engine for the term CREDITWRENCH.
Technorati Cosmos: other blogs commenting on this post
Look at how few links Uncle Normie has and you will immediately see that he truly is nothing but a very scammer and a poor one at that.
We all know him for what he is and we all know that anything he says is false, misleading, twisted and untrue.
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