The opulent life style is great.
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: Take your child to work day
Posted By: oscar
There's nothing wrong with this business. I woke up this morning, went into the backyard, turned up the heat in my swimming pool to 82 degrees, went back and forth from the jacuzzi to the pool a couple of times. Then I made a couple phone calls ...... Before I knew it, it was already 1:00pm. So what did I do? I threw 3 huge rib eyes on the grill. Of course, I could barely stay awake after that lunch, and with the ocean breeze blowing in my face, I was forced to take a quick 3 hour power nap. I love being able to do that when I want. I love this biz.
So what is wrong with living that way? Nothing at all, of course. As we all know, it is everyone's dream to live the good life and be able to afford the good things in life.
There is nothing wrong with it if you earned it by making or selling some product that is needed or desired by a sufficiently large segment of the population to provide that kind of income. There is nothing wrong with living the good life if you earned it by providing some useful service to a sufficiently large segment of the population to provide that kind of income.
But what if you earned that kind of income by abusing animals in some way such as using animals to test products or chemicals or slaughtering them to harvest their tusks or their ivory or their pelts? Would that be acceptable? Of course not.
What if you earned your money by doing something that is known and you knew to be harmful to the environment or needlessly exposing your employees to some extreme hazard such as high dosage rate nuclear radation or toxic fume of some sort?
What if you earned your money by constantly doing something you knew to be illegal but earned you millions of dollars with an extremely slight risk of ever being caught and even if you were caught the fine would be extremely small, say maybe a thousand dollars or so and no possibility of being sent to jail for your crimes? Would those kinds of actions be acceptable? They are to far too many.
What if the money you gained caused millions of people to live in poverty or near poverty or to be on the public dole, often not even able to afford the basic necessities of life? Would that be acceptable? Not really!
We all know that debt collection is a needed service in our society. We all know that it performs a valuable service to creditors who must be paid in order to be able to provide the merchandise and services that they provide. So there is nothing wrong with the business except the way it is usually carried out.
And so the question becomes one of what can we do to put an end to at least some of the worst of the current debt collection practices? The answer is really fairly simple even though it won't produce speedy results by any stretch of the imagination.
Government moves very slowly. But enough people screaming will produce a change in due time.
When we are abused we normally think of filing lawsuits, complaining to the FTC, the BBB or our state's Attorney General. Although it is recommended that in the event you are abused you do complain to those agencies it will do everyone a lot more good if you also call up your local legislative representatives and complain to them. Be prepared to tell them what you think is needed in the way of change.
Does your state have licensure laws for debt collectors in place? If not you should start asking your legislators to enact such legislation. This author thinks that debt collection licenses should have a point system in place just like we do for driver licenses. Run enough red lights and you lose your license. Get enough complaints for breaking your state's consumer protection laws and you lose your license to be in the debt collection business for a while if not forever.
Do not think that you don't have a voice in government because if enough of you call up your state legislators and complain about the same thing or same type of thing they will eventually act to cure the problem whatever it might be.
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