Monday, August 23, 2004


Joined: 22 Jun 2004
Posts: 127

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:23 am Post subject: NCO provides validation, well, kinda. Reply with quote

I requested validation from NCO on two collections from Progressive. I had cancelled different policies on two separate occasions and Progressive seemts to think I owe them money. The funny part is, there is a line at the end that says I may not be required to pay if I can prove I had insurance with another carrier that started before I cancelled my policy. Ok, what difference does that make??? Anyway, NCO sent me copies of the Progressive policy, as well as the 'applicant signature section' for both policies. The funny thing is, I never signed either one. So, does Progressive/NCO have a leg to stand on, or should I tell them their validation is not complete? In addition, NCO has sent me a letter stating they would delete the tradelindes, which they have, yet in their validation they are demanding payment.
