Thursday, September 16, 2004

I just saw your recent post on your blog and the link to my "mock" column...

You just bought yourself a lawsuit.

Good! Great in fact!! Bring it on

The burning bush question is, of course, how far can you get with such a lawsuit as you threaten.
Might want to click here to get a good idea before you do something foolish.

Blindala sure thinks he's got it all figured out. The goon is actually so ignorant that he thinks it don't matter what I do he is going to benefit somehow. That's what he says in this email I got from him. Just shows you that ignorance has no bounds.

You absolutely crack me up!
I love it that you are posting my name all over your blog...I really do! Even if you have "hidden links," that search engines don't pick up, the end result is that the person clicking thru ends up at CI com and ends up at my article! Brilliant!
As far as Creditnet, I clicked thru that one too and I was laughing my ass off when I read that stuff! They think that I am Kaykay? Very funny.
Keep on posting my stuff...please! It not only has comedic value for me, but it really does help me in the end!
Your the best!

I see that someone finally put up a good post on the debt collector forum. Consumers would truly be able to rejoice if such legislation were to come to actual passage and fruition.

And here is why that is true.

And here is the post that I refer to.

Junior Member

Posts: 2
Joined: Sep 2004

Thursday 09/16/04 7:46 AM (NEW!)

FYI... this was in the newsletter from the ACA "Government Affairs" Action Update 9-15-04.

Civil Justice Reform Week on the House Floor
This week is designated as “the Cost of Litigation Week” by the House Republican Leadership, reported On September 13, 2004, the House took action on four bills intended to improve the nation’s civil justice system. The House passed the Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act of 2004 (H.R. 4571), which would significantly reduce the number of unwarranted lawsuits and sanction lawyers who file meritless claims. Chief bill sponsor Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) said, “Frivolous lawsuits harm our economy and threaten to bankrupt business owners. This is especially true of small business owners who do not have the money to fund prolonged lawsuits. The alarming spread of frivolous lawsuits has made a mockery of our legal system.”

As usual, the mensos don't think about the reverse side of the issue and how it can be that such a law would actually make it better for consumers as well.

blindala also don't stop to realize that I'm not really giving him any link credit. He and others want to claim that this blog don't get any traffic so if they are correct in that assumption then what "advertisement" value is there for him to thank me for??? (LOL)

But then, he isn't going to get any "advertising" value out of links from this blog to his article anyway because they aren't real links but rather hidden links that search engines won't pick up on like they would a regular link. Plus I can tell exactly how many people do click on that link and go to his dumb rant. So far only 10 people have clicked on that link to his crapola drivel while 22 people have already clicked on the link to the comments on creditnet so far this morning.

We can just about bet that out of the 5 or so who were actually unique clickers all of them were debt collectors just checking it out and the rest were probably by Blindala himself. In contrast to that, most links I put up end up getting hundreds of clicks and viewers.

Advertising??? Yeah sure!! Dream on.

Did KayKay29 write that article????

In the collection biz news AGAIN

Shanyl | 493 posts since Jun 2004 | 09.15.2004 @ 21:26

Sounds like KayKay. (CA that use to troll here)


"Motivation is like a fire; unless you add fuel, it goes out."

Senior Member

Posts: 1051
Joined: Sep 2002

Thursday 09/16/04 5:20 AM (NEW!)

Stiffler told me about this and I just looked at the Wrench's little blog. He gave me a great review of my article! Well, not really, but I got another good laugh from all of his drivel.

Along with the choice names that he had for me, he also pointed out some words that were pushed together (such as "awhole," which should be "a whole"). That was actually the funniest one and I think the first one that he found. Does it stike anyone else as funny that the word he picked actually looks like a-hole?? hahaha I gues he found a word that he could truly relate to!!
Yeah Bill and then I just related the picture to the real item. A picture is always worth a 1000 words, especially if they are worthless and trivial words such as the "drivel" you write.
The unfortunate thing, is that my copy is clean, but I know at times when a Word document is uploaded into a website, some words do get pushed together. Oh well, the point got across!

PS (Wrench. thanks for the publicity! I really do appreciate it!)

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.--Dennis Miller

Premier Consulting Group, LLC - Your Success Is Our Responsibility

Always glad to oblige. The really funny part is that you think that somehow you might actually be able to teach somebody something except how to screw things up!

From an email I received a person named June M. Williams today. LOL
She will be able to tell her potential new employer that she knows all about the collection industry now, won't she??? After all, reading this blog is a real eye opener.

The reason I am reviewing your site is that I am in the third-party debt collection industry and I am boning up on materials and information that may be useful in a job interview that I have coming up later this week with a local Hospital to do first party collections.

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