Sunday, May 01, 2005

Footprints of a spammer

Our spammer has really been at it hard and heavy today as always. He's been spamming all the msn and yahoo groups he can find that will let him post his messages. Here is a good sample of his footprints. He is boiling over worse than a 1918 Ford Tin Lizzie
trying to cross the desert.

(0 recommendation so far) Message 5 of 8 in Discussion
From: Concerned Citizen in response to Message 2Sent: 5/1/2005 10:57 AM
PS It is NOT my blog, I'm just a concerned citizen...................................
Stand up against the communist menace and the dark side of the force

Recommend (0 recommendation so far) Message 3 of 3 in Discussion
From: Concerned Citizen in response to Message 1Sent: 5/1/2005 3:35 PM
Google KayKay29, Hoosewgow1, Billie Bauer Creditwrench, and see what you see. I urge do not do it alone at night by yourself to avoid a horrible shock. Or go to
I am not the owner of this site but a concerned citizen. Please note, Billie Bauer's back Osi is a member of the American Nazi Party. The truth is out there.........

Because you do Uncle Spammy. Let's see now. You got Lawdog, Cartman, Foxy, concerned citizen, Darth Debt Collector and many many more. Then how many email addresses do you use to spam?

Recommend Message 6 of 6 in Discussion
From: Concerned Citizen in response to Message 5Sent: 5/1/2005 3:52 PM
Why do you use so many aliases?

Because you do Uncle Spammy

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Recommend (0 recommendation so far) Message 8 of 8 in Discussion
From: Concerned Citizen in response to Message 7Sent: 5/1/2005 3:53 PM
Why do you use so many aliases Uncle Creditwrench?

What else did you expect when you spam all the egroups and news groups and make a general pest of yourself Uncle Spammy?

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Recommend (5 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 1 in Discussion
From: Concerned Citizen (Original Message)Sent: 4/29/2005 11:04 AM

I asked about the statute of limitations in Oklahoma and Bill Bauer the Creditwrench told me to get on my knees. It was terrible! I can show you the post. FOr more on this man go to:

You already got the answer to that dumb question Uncle Spammy

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Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 2 of 6 in Discussion
From: Concerned Citizen in response to Message 1Sent: 4/29/2005 1:58 PM
If Bill Bauer Creditwrench is legit, why did the Oklahoma Attorney General tell him to cease and desist? Why does he use offensive racial slurs like Camel Jockey?
Google "Credtiwrench Billie Bauer" for the complete story or try

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Recommend (2 recommendations so far) Message 3 of 6 in Discussion
From: Concerned Citizenin response to Message 2Sent: 4/29/2005 2:15 PM
Google Hoosegow1 and learn more about this deranged individual

Folks, the list of spam messages this joker puts out is absolutely endless. More than 120,000 of them and still we keep on getting more from this spam monkey. The best I can do is try to make everybody aware of his false and misleading posts and information and let him ruin every message board, newsgroup, egroup and the entire web with his garbage.

He is in violation of every terms of service agreement he ever agreed to and is in violation of the United States Code that is called the Computer Decency Act or CDC and one of these days they will catch up to him and put him behind bars where he belongs.

A raving mad debt collector

Rolling on floor laughing my ass off

Is this guy a raving lunatic or what? One thing we know for sure is that he is a spammer of the first magnitude trying to get attention for his crazy blog which he doesn't even know how to manage. He is also spamming many other groups as some of you already know. Have you all noticed that he stole the name of my website at and turned it into a blog? This guy would make a great subject for the TV show "Worlds dumbest criminals" where they show all the dumb and funny things criminals do in an attempt to escape the law.

Reply Message 4 in Discussion
From: Cartman

Billie Bauer Bill Bauer the Creditwrench made racial slurs, My stars how can he get away with this. Heavenly days! For the lowdown on this scoundrel see
Don't see this site unless you are a true brave American for the depravities of this man, will scare the most stouthearted. A tribunal shall be held one day my friends when this villian will be brought to justice. Oh the humanity! What is the true reason behind the sinking of the Titanic? What Creditwrench doesn't want you to know won't hurt you or will it???????? FIND OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!!