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Joined: Mar 2004
Monday 09/13/04 9:10 AM (NEW!)
Lindala hit it in the head: This is an endless cycle and "VoD" (stands for "Vociferous Outspoken Debtor") is proving Lindala is correct. Round and round and round we go..... CA is right in line with Rick and Roy: these nonsense C&D's or BS requests for extensive validation that courts don't even require is a one-way ticket to a lawsuit. No messing around with these chumps. Play stupid debtor stall tactic games and you are SUED.
....VoD the half-human, half-chimp has LIED to us in claiming that he would pay upon receipt of validation. We all know from experience that these monkeys don't pay when they engage in such games. They will keep you chasing rabbits in an endless cycle, as Bill Lindala stated.
When we have one of these escaped primates throw their feces at us and play their games, our response is: "You will indeed receive your validation...... since this is nothing but a stall tactic, it will come to you in the form of a Summons and Complaint. Would you like to be served at work or at home?". In so challenging the little chimps as to their REAL reason for validating a debt they have full knowledge of, they always end up shrieking and baring their teeth like Rhesus monkeys in a room full of caged primates, and the truth comes out: it's a STALL to avoid paying anything at all. The call either ends with the debtor slamming the phone and we never hear from him again, OR they come to their senses and agree to pay the debt instead of gambling on being sued.....
347 more days till Murph dry-shaves his legs and serves up martinis.
Of course it is a stall to avoid paying anything at all. What else would it be? After all, the bottom line is to never pay a debt collector or his attorney anything at all under any circumstances whatsoever.
If creditors want to get paid then they need to get away from playing idiot games with these stumblebums and start dealing with the debtors in the first place.
As far as their Arizona legal beagles go, we will end up putting them back on their donkeys where they belong to instead of tooling around in fancy cars as though if they were some kind of actual human beings.
All they have to do is run into a few educated debtors in court and they will soon be hunting for burros in the Arizona mountains instead of debtors to sue.
In otherwords, Creditwrench puts a stop to their collection activities once and for all and gets them into a courtroom where they can be finally be dealt with once and for all.