Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Average Joe
Senior Member

Posts: 337
Joined: Apr 2004

Wednesday 09/08/04 5:25 PM (NEW!)

I think you all give the ole' wacko too much attention..

And he LOVES attention, lol..

Let's skip the rent this month.

Yep, you got that right! I just love the attention. And yes, I'm an old wacko. If you don't believe old average joe there, all you have to do is read on down there and you just might get a much better picture of exactly how much wacking I am capable of doing and even some of how I do it.

Then once you get through laughing and start to pay serious attention you just might start laughing out the other side of your mouth. If you can pull your foot out of it that is.

Bill Lindala

asks how I determine the chronological order of posts to the blog. While I can do that, the basic structure of all blogs is in a top down order. Each new post pushes the stack down that much further until the last one at the bottom of the que falls off and can only be recovered from the archives.

Then the following bit of brilliance from the obviously intellectually deprived:

Assistant Todd

Posts: 157
Joined: Jun 2004

Wednesday 09/08/04 12:27 PM (NEW

Ah god, I love how he posted a bunch of email from people who contacted him. I know that at times i neglect grammar and proper spelling but I would never be proud to receive an email that lacks the basic proponents of the english language.

You would not have been so picky if you got the letter and they were trying to pay you now would you? Or would you write them back and tell them that if they can't spell any better than that you don't want their money????

Yeah, right! Second Tuesday of next week if it don't rain that day.


Senior Member

Posts: 624
Joined: May 2004

Wednesday 09/08/04 4:51 AM (NEW!)


Originally posted by: jim st james

Copyright © 2004, a Kaulkin Media publication

Theft of copyright materials comes to mind.


Ooooooh so nicely played!

SPAR7AN117: Halo 2 arrives on 11.09.2004

Bill Lindala
Senior Member

Posts: 1003
Joined: Sep 2002

Wednesday 09/08/04 5:21 AM (NEW!)

Actually, I really don't think that anything can be done.

The copyright laws protect "original literary works," and even though Stiffler is definitely an "original" guy, I really don't think that message board posts are covered. For instance, many of us have re-posted threads and comments from AOC and vice versa.

I think we should just let Billy Boy have his fun. Actually his blog is very funny to read...I know he didn't like it the last time I said that (because he posted his disgust at my comments!), but it is very comical.

Oh yeah........THIS IS POST 1000!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.--Dennis Miller

Premier Consulting Group, LLC - Your Success Is Our Responsibility

Ok, Bill. I see that as usual you have come off with the truth of the matter. You guys want to copy posts and stuff from AOC or Creditnet and that is all fine and dandy but when somebody else does it to you then you get all bent out of shape.
Sorry about that but what goes around comes around and quite often in spades.

So you want a link to your site, eh Bill??? Ok. There you go. I'll give you another one in just a bit.

Well, I see that the boys over at the collection industry corral have drifted off into taking wild-eyed potshots at anything they think might move over here so I'll just move on with something a bit more intelligent.

While you are laughing at blogs, you might just stop and look at what has happened to them just this year alone. The big event of the blogging year was when Google spent an ungodly number of millions of dollars a few months ago to buy out and take it under their wing.

Then they put out what are called Google API call ID numbers to any blogger who asked for one. Then Google put in it's own feed reader so that Google followers could hook onto any blog they wanted to keep up with through what is known as RSS feeds. So if you want to know what an RSS feed is all you have to do is click on this link and see for yourself what an RSS feed is like.

There are an awful lot of blog search engines out there that also use those RSS feeds. Do you see that big red "PING ME" link over there on the right hand column??? Go click on that and you will see a very small list of search engines that run on RSS feeds and that still don't include Google, Yahoo, MSN and many more of the big engines. That is the new way to submit to the search engines and you don't actually have to submit to the big ones. They come read your RSS feeds every day and turn them into links.

Then each day the archives are posted on the internet and they become separate webpages too. And those all have their RSS feeds which the engines all subscribe to as well.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. That annoying pop-up that comes up at the top each time you log on is yet another way I spread this and my other blogs. It is actually an automatic link generator program and broadcasts my links all over the internet on other websites that also participate in the same program. And I also use another similiar swapping program that is used by several thousand large corporations such as PayPal, Bank One, Bank of America, most of the big banks in fact as well as insurance companies, law firms and all kinds of big companies so my ads are displaying on their monitor screens too.

I've got a whole computer room full of nothing but banks of computers running my ads all over the internet. All of them are networked and they never shut down. Last count, if I remember correctly I have about 135 computers running full time doing nothing but putting my ads all over the internet. A new ad is displayed every minute on each machine.

So now do you want to scoff at this silly little old blog you think nobody will see or read????

If so, be my guest.


Now then, just so you thick heads really get a chance to understand the magnitude of what the WRENCH is doing to you each and every day, I'll give you a sample of some of the hundreds of emails I get from those links I gave you down below that you probably didn't even bother to go see what was on them.


Actually I am home now and getting harassed. It is actually my current wife getting called at work and she was not invovled with the debt until she married me. Can they legally be calling her at her work even though she was not a party in the debt? The 3pcd is doing all the things stated in your webpage. I wish I know about it before hand.

Have Focus Receivables Management calling me about an Alltell account I don't have. I have never had an account with Alltell and don't owe them any money yet this agency has been harrassing me for months. Do you have any idea how to get them off my back.

Tri County Has three charge offs on my credit. I dont have a clue what they are and they are piddlely.
One is 20.00 jan 2000 Can you help

The reason why I am looking up collection agencies, I am receiving many unwanted calls from a collection agengy looking for a David, I just happen to have a son named David. My husband and I are the only ones who live here and a David does not and has not lived in our home for at least 10 years now. These people call day in and day out and on weekends and I tell them not to call however to no avail. I feel very harrassed and I feel it is very unfair my husband and I who have A+ credit or being harrassed by a collection agency who we have no dealings with.

number of agency called last 888-377-9750
RE: Bob Bank, 866-279-8830 RE: Diane Foster just to name only two.

am looking for the creditor called check first a division of accelerated receivable
solutions. could you please tell me how i can contact them by e-mail? i owe them
money and was wanting to ask a question
I am in the mortgage business for H&R Block and specialize in helping people with
less than perfect credit. I like to give additional cash out when refinancing
to pay off collections. If you don't mind emailing me a list of agencies so I
might contact them. My email address is Thank you for your
list. :) I am a single mom of three boys, working to clean up my credit so that
someday we can buy a house. I was beating my head against the wall when it came
to locating credit agencies. Then I found your list. Now I spend more time on
the phone with credit agencies than I do looking for their numbers. With your
help and my hardwork, I just might own that house I want in the next five years.
Again thank you so much. There
you have it. A picture of just a few emails I have received from people looking
for you scumbags for whatever reason. And here is the stock answer most of them
get back from me.
you real sure you want to pay them off?? Here is why I ask that question. Paying
off your old debts is not the way to build good credit! Now then, I know that
is hard to imagine indeed, but thousands of people have learned that lesson the
hard way. They thought that it would help their credit but it only made it harder
to get new credit and when they did it cost them a lot more in interest charges.
Getting good credit means that you have no derogatory items on your credit file
at all. None whatever. If you want the absolute top best credit you must have
no derogatories whatever and a past history of 10 years of positive trade lines
without any late payments. Few indeed are the people who can achieve such pristine
credit levels. Did you know that any remark on your credit bureau reports is pure
poison to your credit reports? Did you know that paying them off will result in
them putting a notation on your credit reports that says "paid chargeoff" or "settled
for less" or maybe some other derogatory remark on your credit report? There are
several ways they say it but no matter how they say it, it is a derogatory remark
that can get you denied credit in the future and even if you do get credit it
will be at a greatly increased interest cost that will cost you an awful lot of
money over time? You need to stop thinking about how to pay them and start thinking
about how to protect yourself and your credit ratings. How to do that is what
I teach people. I teach them how to pay them safely in such a way that they have
no choice but to take it off your credit reports if they want the money. I also
teach people how to make them pay the bill and take it off your credit reports
instead of you having to pay them anything at all. I also teach people how to
answer motion for default and summary judgments and defeat their lawsuits at the
same time. I also teach people how to get their judgments vacated and get them
off their credit reports. If you want to learn to win the collections game you
need to send me an email asking me for my terms of service agreement. Here
is a funny little movie about the NCO debt collection agency
here is another little movie I think you will enjoy!
And you also need to
visit my websites at
and get started learning how to do it the right way. Bill Bauer Creditwrench 405-616-7901
do you begin to get the picture??? Or are you all too stupid to see the handwriting
on the wall????? Many of these people are coming to me to keep from getting hammered
by you guys. You lose, I win. Then there are the more than 200 court cases I have
helped people defend themselves against just this year alone. Not one of them
ever lost although in a few cases the judges have "taken it under advisement and
will rule from his chambers". Yeah, maybe so someday. Some judges have already
been sitting on the cases trying to figure out what to do with them for at least
6 months now. So now who is more dangerous to your so called "industry"?????

You people really need to get a life and stop dreaming up love-hate relationships here. It isn't a matter of a sick old man with no A/C and nothing better to do with his remaining days than fuck with your silly message board.

It is strictly business as usual kiddies and I'm winning and you are losing every day of the week.

And not only am I beating you out of money before you ever get a chance to get your hands on it but my students are beating your lawyers in court every day and still more of them are the ones that are filing big time lawsuits on you and winning them easily.

So like I have said before, wake up and smell the coffee.