Monday, October 18, 2004

Would you hire a known thief?"

Let us suppose that someone came to your business and asked you for a job and before you hired him you found out that he is a habitual thief. Would you hire him in a position that required him to handle your money on a constant and recurring basis??? Well, to most business people that would be an easy question to answer. It wouldn't even take a second thought. Yet if you have a business off or on the internet that has accounts receiveable and you turn them over to a debt collector you are doing just that. Hiring a thief to collect your money for you. l

Now that may seem like a wild-eyed accusation to you but let me explain to you why that is true and then hopefully you willl see the logic behind it. Let us take your own business (if you have one) and you have some employees. And it is almost a fact that if you have employees sooner or later one of them will run into financial problems and get turned over to a 3rd party debt collector by their creditors. First thing you know, one of your employees gets called to the phone to answer a call from a debt collector. If that happens, then you may start to think and realize that you put in your telephones at a high price for the convenience of your custormers and to make it much more efficient to run your business. You want people to call you and that is why you have a telephone system, possibly paying high advertising bills for Yellow Page ads or whatever. And then you wake up and find out that instead of your phone being available to customers and making you money it is being tied up by incessant calls from bill collectors who are not only stealing your telephone services in the furtherance of their business and you get beat out of your phone service in the meantime.

And what if you have a secretary to answer those phones??? Now they are not only stealing your telephone services but the time for which you must pay the person who is answering your phones and you sure didn't want to pay the secretary to answer tons of phone calls from bill collectors. And then you have to pay the wages for the time that the employee spends talking to them.

Pretty high price to pay for thievery, isnt it???? And they are guilty of theft of services in reality, are they not???

And so you get all bent out of shape about that and you lay down the law and a rule that employees may not use your company phones for any purpose except family emergencies. Now that makes you look like a big bad Scrooge in the eyes of your employess although they surely aren't going to tell you how they really feel.
If they did that you would probably tell them that that is the company policy and if they don't like it they can bloody well go find a job somewhere else.

OK, so you cured your problem by forbidding your employees to receive anything but emergency phone calls. Now then, do you really want to hire a thieving debt collector and turn him loose on other merchants???
Have you thought about the ethical considerations here?? Probably not because what you are interested in is colllection what is owed to you by your customers and you haven't thought about what you are doing to others in the process.

All I can say is that if you are a Christian then maybe you ought to stop and think about what Jesus had to say. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.

Am I being outrageous or outlandish in what I say??? Maybe so, but one thing I can tell you is that I know some employers who have employees getting dinged to death and they put a stop to it by first of all sending those debt collectors a Cease & Desist letter which they have every right to do under the law and then when the calls kept on coming in anyway they called up the sheriff and filed criminal theft of services charges against the thieves and had them extradited and thrown in jail to face criminal theft of services charges.

But before you turn a bunch of thieves loose on your fellow merchants again stop to think about what you are doing.

The following set of events that have transpired over the last couple of days will serve as sufficient proof to anybody that a debt collector can never be trusted to do anything but lie to you.

As you can see from a couple of the posts to this blog a couple of days or so ago, a new collection industry blog opened up and the modeator of that forum sent me an email telling me that he knew who I am and that he was personally inviting me to participate in their forum. He stated that he would not suspend me and that they had never suspended anyone. He even assured me that he would be standing by his computer to facilite my registration and log-in to the new forum and he did just that.

NOw then, to clarify matters, in the short couple of days that I was on their forum I posted about 12 or so messages and never insulted anyone even though a couple of the other posters did attack me rather vigorously, called me a pansy and a homosexual and made other very disparaging remarks. I never once responded in kind to their nasty comments.

Now, this morning I get the following message in my email which just goes to prove what kind of people debt collectors are and what their word is worth and obviously sheds the glaring light of truth on the words I say when I caution people never to to trust a debt collector to do anything, not even to clean bathrooms let alone have anything to do with your customers and above all why you should not trust them with your money by paying them anything at all.

A mans word is supposed to be his bond and if his word is no good then you can't trust him to collect for you because he will most likely cheat you out of money that rightfully belongs to you or delay paying you so long that you might as well have been cheated out of it.

It also proves that those states that make them account to the state for all moneys collected and the amounts still held in escrow and not yet paid to creditors have good reason for having passed those kinds of tough laws to regulate cebt collectors. All states ought to have those kinds of laws in place and with teeth in them that will put a debt collector who don't toe the line out of business and in jail where he belongs.

It also proves that you can't trust them as a consumer because if they will lie to you they will also not pay your creditors and when the creditors find out that they have not been paid then they will come after you again and maybe that time will be a few years down the line after you no longer have the proof that you paid them and then you can be forced to pay them again. All because you believed that the debt collector was an honest person.

It really don't make any difference whether the debt collector is as honest as the day is long as many of them are. Many of them are very reputable people with high ethical morals and standards and are the kinds of people who can be trusted but you can't know that for sure and so therefore as usual, a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel. As a result nobody can trust any of them. Not to collect a debt or pay those they have agreed to pay or for anything else. One simply cannot afford to take the chance.

Furthermore, after having read this posting telling you about what my experience has been, anybody posting to that message board can't be trusted to tell the truth either for the simple reason that if they continue to post there knowing what has happened to me then the old saying about Birds of a feather flock together will brand them for what they most likely are.

What must be considered is that if they will lie they will cheat and if they will cheat they will steal. Simple as that.

So after their grand promise not to ban me, they did it anyway. So the best advice I can give you is to heed my warning and don't even go there. Let the damned thing die a natural death unless it can find enough liars, cheats, thiefs, scalawags and other riff-raff to keep it going which shouldn't be hard for them to do. After all, the industry is argueably infested with that kind of people.

PCM Admin wrote:

>We've had to suspend your account due to concerns received regarding some posts you've made. (Don't have specific details). Much to our chagrin, we're having to make this decision. We believe that people have the right to freely express their opinions, unfortunately there are many within the collections industry that simply don't feel the same way. Should we be able to mitigate the situation, we'll inform you immediately.

That's fine. I wasn't going to get into it anyway. But your action in this matter proves yet once again that anyone associated with the debt collection industry will not make an agreement and keep it, they tell you one thing and then turn around and do just the opposite. The word of a debt collector is worthless and not to be believed by anyone and you have proved that again.
I will be only too happy to post your email inviting me to join your forum and then your email below renigging on your word so that all and sundry can see it. Believe me it will soon be spread all over the internet. You will find your emails posted on my collectionindustry blog and on my creditwrench blog with the appropriate comments.
Have a nice day.
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Joined: October 12 2004
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Posts: 47
Posted: October 17 2004 at 11:38pm | IP Logged

wrench really at this point i ve had enough of your sh*t. you wanna fight it ll be short and quick just like you my friend. better yet ill make an example of you and your 7 computers. your a total moron ! just consider yourself lucky at this point ! id call it pretty safe that you ll be banned pretty soon! not because your an advocate but because your an out right girlie-man!