Saturday, September 04, 2004


Posts: 53
Joined: Aug 2004

Monday 08/30/04 11:27 AM (NEW!)


Originally posted by: Bacchus
I am a consumer, not a collector. However, I could use some help with getting something corrected on my credit report and reported accurately.

In July of last year, I filed bankruptcy. I had been sued for custody of my child and it cost $42,000. It was either pay the credit card bills and lose my kid or pay the attorney and keep my kid. Obviously, I chose my child.

Anyway, one of the accounts that was included in the bankruptcy is not reporting properly on any of my credit reports. I just want to get it fixed and reporting properly. It is BP/Amoco through Citibank. They are reporting a $487 balance (after fees), charged off, and there is no notation of the bankruptcy whatsoever. I have tried disputing and it is coming back as verified with the only thing changing that now it says customer disputes information. The account was never handed off to a collection agency, so I don't know if anyone here will know my best route anyway, but I thought it was worth a shot.

Any suggestions? My other tradelines are reporting accurately, I am not trying to dispute those. I just want this one fixed so that I can rebuild my credit.

Thank you for any advice you have.

I would write a letter to Amoco, let them know that they're in violation of the FCRA as well as federal BK laws, and that you demand that they delete the item from your credit report. You've given them AMPLE opportunity to correct their error, now they need to either delete the item or you should take them to small claims court, as well as bring them before the BK judge and have them explain why they think they can ignore a federal judges order.


Senior Member

Posts: 850
Joined: Jun 2004

Monday 08/30/04 12:19 PM (NEW)

didn't read your post cuz there is a section for consumer questions. Nothing againts you in fact I ADORE your name, very funny. Its just that consumers wore us out with circular logic and had me chasing my tail so we must confine their questions to that forum.

You can thank those no-talent ass clowns that should eat a bag of dix for distracting us from people that need help like you and ruining the consumer fraud protection system by committing fraud with it (very ironic, I must commend them for that).

I still cannot believe they openly acknowledge breaking the law because it "levels the playing field." Can't we get the feds in there to track those people down.. its akin to domestic terrorism and ever since Enron and Conseco theres no forgiveness. LK is probably lying anyhow and the feds will kick down this 12 year old h4x0rs door and fine him for porn possession.

We always prefer war on our own terms to peace on someone else's. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966