Monday, October 04, 2004

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.

How to use FDCPA as a defense!!

Are those who attempt to use FDCPA violations as a defense against a judgment barking up the wrong tree???

Well, maybe they are and maybe they aren't. First of all, FDCPA itself says you can't do that and most courts say that you can't do that because and the reason is that it really has no bearing on the outcome of the case against you. The only issue before the court is do you or do you not owe the debt? If you claim that you don't then you have to have a valid reason as to why you don't owe the debt. Valid reasons are that you already paid it and can prove that or they have the wrong person or maybe you can raise some technical issue such as the debt being beyond the Statute of Limitations or whatever and get their case thrown out of court.

But you can't claim they came out to your house with a shotgun under their arm to collect the debt or they kept calling you night and day or they didn't validate the debt when you demanded it as your defense. The reason those kinds of defenses don't work is because you owe the debt and that is the bottom line as far as the plaintiff and the courts are concerned. Any other argument is just wasting the court's time and they don't take too kindly to that.

So we cannot use FDCPA or other type of violation as a defense. And you can argue Modern Money Mechanics and claim they didn't loan you anything or they defrauded you by using your signature on a note to fund the loans they made you until you are blue in the face and most of the time those kinds of arguments are going to get you nowhere in a big hurry.

But what if I told you that you can use their FDCPA violations against them even though the law says you can't? I'll bet that some of you will say I am off the wall and out to lunch again. I do have plenty of people who like to think that I am just some crazy old coot out to beat people out of their money and they are very vociferous in making those kinds of statements in many message forums.

Also, there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts in their own right who like to claim that I have nothing to offer that can't be found on any message board for free.

This free business may be just fine, but it does a lot more harm than good because just like there are untold numbers of debtors frantically searching the internet for answers to their problems there are also untold numbers of debt collectors and attorneys also frantically searching the message boards and news groups trying to find out what the latest "deadbeat" trick is so they will be well prepared to defeat them and collect the debts regardless of all the tricks debtors can come up with.

Michael Kielsky, a well known gooroo sent me an email over the weekend wanting a copy of one of my letters so he could put it in his files for all and sundry to use against debt collectors.

When I told him that all of my letters ae copyrighted and available only to my students and that they are not to be posted to any internet news group, website or forum he said, "that is a shame." Be that as it may, posting all the information people come up with all over the internet is doing far more harm than good. All that happens is that it just ends up getting used against those who use it.

In fact, it is getting so bad that attorneys are often making snide comments to the judges in court and saying that the defendant got his junk information off the internet and the judges are buying that wholesale but the poor defendant has no idea about how to counter deal with those kinds of statements by attorneys or judges.
They just stand there speechlessly wishing they knew what to do about it. There is, of course a proper comeback for that kind of tactic by attorneys or judges. And no, I'm not going to teach that comeback in any public forum including this one for the above reasons. They would just figure out another way to shoot the defendant down.

But I digress. There is a way that has never been thought of before in which a Pro Se defendant can use FDCPA, FCRA or other violations as a defense against a judgment.
And it is a really cute and slick way to do it and one for which there should be no remedy or cure if the Pro Se does it correctly. It will stand up in court and I have spoken to a couple of attorneys who confirmed that the idea was legally sound and would work just exactly the way that I have envisioned that it would.

At the extreme risk of breaking my arm patting myself on the back, I must say yet once again that if a better way to do things, even the seemingly impossible, I will find that way and incorporate it into my teachings.

And this new way puts a whole new value to my CREDITWRENCH methods because prior to making this discovery the debtor had only one remedy for FDCPA or FCRA violations and that was to sue the collector or attorney for his errors and omissions and most people simply don't want to do that. Too much time, too much effort, too much expense paying court costs and filing fees which may or may not end up winning. So we had to rely on the hope that the collector would just throw up his hands and give up trying to collect the debt or trying to reach an "amicable" settlement whereby the collector would pay the debt he was trying to collect and take it off the credit report as well.

That does happen a great percentage of the time but far too often they just ignore your demands for validation and any and all other letters you send them. They even ignore a properly prepared intent to sue letter!!!

And the reason they do that is that they know full well that most of the time the debtor is just blowing smoke and no matter how mean their letters may sound, when it comes time to actually do something they will just shrivel up and die like the flowers after the first hard freeze. And then all they have to do is file a lawsuit against the debtor and win that way. It has always worked for them so why would it ever be any different???

And even if the debtor did sue them he would probably just file some stupid small claims lawsuit and they might even have to pay a thousand dollars for all their violations but so what??? That isn't going to hurt them much. After all, you can't hurt a company making maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars a day or even a month with a measly $1,000 lawsuit.

But if you can use each and every violation they make against them in court then you can do some raal damage. And now my CREDITWRENCH students can do just exactly that. And they can do what FDCPA says they can't do and do it with devastating effectiveness. As always, where there is a will there is a way.

With this new discovery, CREDITWRENCH students are virtually invincible and nobody on this entire internet can make that kind of statement and make it stick but I can.

As of now, there is no escape for the debt collector or attorney who violates the law. And he can't use the old defense of claiming that it was just an inadvertant mistake on the part of some fool employee but that steps have been taken to insure that it won't happen again. That old defense won't work anymore no matter what FDCPA says.

So the new news is that all you have to do is make even one mistake no matter how small or seemingly trivial to you and you are dead meat if you are dealing with a CREDITWRENCH student.