Created On Thursday 08/19/04 4:43 PM
Senior Member
Posts: 365
Joined: Mar 2004
Thursday 08/19/04 4:43 PM (NEW!)
This from our fans and lurkers over at AoC:
"I pulled my CR a couple of days ago to begin chipping away at old accounts which are in collections and begin rebuilding my credit. I have ignored my credit problems for awhile and moved and changed phone #s enough that I’m not receiving correspondence from my creditors."
.... the crybabies of AoC would have their Congressmen and Senators believe that they're all oppressed victims of the CA's, and that they've all simply "fallen on hard times" and doing their best to try and work with those big, bad CA's that simply won't listen to reason. The REALITY of our jobs is reflected in this debtor's admission. By far, most debtors duck, dodge, evade, hide, and ignore their debts. And they wonder why we are so hard-nose when we catch up to them.
He continues.....
"Now that I have my CR and accurate contact info for my creditors, I would like to approach them, offering a settlement in exchange for them either deleting their tradelines from my CR or changing the status to Paid As Agreed w/ no derogatory comments."
...the thinking process is amazing, isn't it? After hiding, ignoring, lying, and cheating, he wants to SETTLE the debts and have them all marked on his CBR as "paid as agreed with no other derogatory comments" !!!! This bizarre, unreasoning mentality is not foreign to us, but it never ceases to astonish me.
He continues....
I have about $6k in outstanding CC debt, all of which is way old and/or in collections. I’d like to settle it all for $2k or less and have the slate wiped clean. Am I being delusional?"
YES. He IS delusional.
Now do you think his cronies at AoC counseled him to pull his head out of his a-- ? Of course not. They are assisting him to determine the SOL on his old debts, and they will then educate him on the 'ol "1 - 2 Punch", as they call it. From there, he will learn the dark arts of extorting the CA's for money.
...and he is only 1 of HUNDREDS that post over there EVERY DAY. Their training camp is like a mill that continues operating around the clock, 24/7, with trainees and cadets "graduating" from it's ranks every day. This process is only going to continue to grow and expand. Don't ignore it! Right now it's an occasional annoyance. But in the future, their kind will be the standard, and CA's will be writing extortion checks on a regular basis.
"It is apparent that the dispute is FRIVOLOUS and/or IRRELEVANT" - Trans Union's written reply to an AoC debtor, July 2004.