Search Engine rankings
For most companies, their placement in search engines is important. Indeed, today good placement in search engine listings is vital to the success of almost any business.
But it is not only important for a company to be in the top positions for the keywords and keyword phrases that pertain to their industry but it is also extremely important what the listings of others have to say about your company. Having a top listing in the search engines with your company blurb there for everyone to see is important but if most of the other listings have negative things to say about your company and the page or pages you are on are filled with derogatory information your top listing will do you no good at all.
Kalkin Ginsburg who has the website known as collection industry dot com has hired a new webmaster to oversee their forum and it is obvious that Mike Bevel has taken their forum to a new level by getting rid of most of the derogatory comments made by posters about other web sites and blogs. Their public image has soared as a result and it has done so very quickly.
Their listings on Google and other search engines has been cleaned up and is looking great and is obviously the result of the excellent webmastership of Mike Bevel.
The obvious lesson to be learned is that if your forum engages in flaming or bashing others your own rankings will suffer as a result.
Spam messages that are off-topic and only promote someone else's products or services in any way should also be deleted from your forum as fast as they appear and their authors should be banned from your forum. Their off-topic postings can only harm your business and your rankings in search engines.