The muttonhead debt collector shoots himself in the foot again.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Creditwrench continues to lose face
A week ago, a poster by the name of rfidgary posed the following question to CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer on his own message board:
Bill.....ever have any dealings with this firm............think they have one of my accounts.
Love, Beal & Nixon, P.C.,.......
As of today's date, CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer has not answered this question on his own message board; along with many others. CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer is apparently too preoccupied with posting pictures of sheep on other message boards to address questions on his own board.
CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer is obviously unable to provide a potential student with a simple yes or no answer. That should give some insight into whether one should consider paying him for any services. Or, better yet, the lack thereof.
posted by Uncle Normie at 2:09 PM.
What the muttonhead who calls himself Uncle Normie is unaware of is that the person he refers to above is a long time student and all he had to do to get the answer to his question was to dial 405 616 7901 which he did.
Of course, all my avid readers will instantly realize that Creditwrench has not been the person who has posted all of the silly pictures of sheep but rather the muttonhead sheep lovers circle from pcmholdings dot com posting all the sheep pictures on their forum and many others thereby neatly incriminating himself as having posted yet more false and misleading information on his blog.
Of course, the real creditwrench-thetruth exposes the enormis lie that Uncle Normie has attempted to foist off on everyone he can.
The following muttonheads are obviously all bleating members in good standing of Uncle Normie's circle of sheep loving muttonheads
Lawdog, concerned citizen, creditwrench-thetruth, Derek, E. normis, Enormis Debtor, and many more far too numerous to mention.
There are also a considerable number of suspected but as of yet unconfirmed followers, sycophants, and cohorts of the infamous circle of sheep loving muttonheads who will undoubtedly expose themselves from time to time.