Improper Sexual advances by debt collectors
Yet more proof that the collection industry is owned and operated by sickos and deviates who will stoop to anything. This blog has proven through references to major news media that some debt collectors have been accused by the government of aiding and abetting terrorism or engaging in activities that support terrorist groups here in the U.S. and overseas.
We have evidence from actual police files that debt collectors use "terroristic" means to collect debts from people. They threaten to burn people out of their homes if they don't pay up. They harass great numbers of people by means of incessant and abusive phone calls and other means and prey upon their ignorance of consumer protection laws put in place to prevent such abuses.
This is evidenced by numerous phone calls to CREDITWRENCH offices which have been recorded and put on various forums including the collection industry blog.
What kind of people are debt collectors in reality? Is that foreign sounding voice calling you about a debt some kind of terrorist? We really can't know that and we can't be guilty of discrimination either just because of someone's obvious ethnic background. After all, they may be just as loyal to America and deplore what is going on overseas just as much as you do. Regardless of their sex or sexual preferences, race or religious beliefs they may be just as willing to go fight and die if need be to defend our rights and freedoms as you are. So we can't very well use that as a reason not to pay. In fact, it isn't or shouldn't be about whether or not we pay because that has to be based on what one can or cannot do. A personal decision based on the circumstances of life and not upon beliefs or belief systems, religious or otherwise. We either have the ability to pay or we don't.
We already have more than enough laws in place that should control the actions of debt collectors so more laws are not likely to stop abusive debt collection practices. What is needed is a drastic increase in the penalties for breaking the laws we already have. Today we have no criminal penalties for most violations of FDCPA or state consumer protection laws. This author thinks that if debt collectors are found guilty of unduly abusing consumers then penalties should be in place to put the worst and only the worst offenders out of business.
In order to do that those who are employed in the industry need to be registered with the states just as are many other professions. Demanding an inexpensive license of them should help because then a point system similiar to that used in regulation of drivers can be put in place. Too many violations and you lose your license.
How can that be implemented? By calling your legislators at both state and federal levels and asking that more be done to control debt collectors. Suggest the idea of a point system so that those who are sooner or later identified as being abusers by virtue of too many complaints be forced out of the business. Suggest that it be made a criminal penalty to use any false name when contacting consumers.
Today most people have to go to great lengths to even find debt collectors whom they want to pay. Incredibly, every day hundreds of people are doing internet searches looking for debt collectors so they can pay up but can't find them. Why is that? Because debt collectors don't want you to send them their money. They want to call you by phone and badger you into paying by some electronic means because they get their money much faster that way. So they try to conceal what their address or contact information is even though the FDCPA says they must give meaningful disclosure of who they are and the purpose of their call.
We don't want to be reduced to having to sue them for their transgressions. Most of us would not willingly go into a court room for any reason, let alone go about filing all manner of lawsuits that may or may not win. When we are wronged we want the law to do something about it.
The only way to get that done is for enough people to call and write their legislators demanding that something much more meaningful be done to collar these criminals. So I urge you to find out who your senator and representative is down at the state capitol and give them a call in order to help stamp out abusive debt collection practices. You don't have to know a thing about FDCPA or FCRA or any other law to do that. All you have know is that abusive debt collection practices are an ongoing problem and you want something done about it.