Thursday, November 18, 2004

Because you are to stupid to collect anything but dust if that. When comes to stupidity this author firmly believes that there is less than 1 1/2 cents worth of difference between you and Hibbs. Both of you too stupid to pour yellow water out of a boot with the insturctions printed on the heel.

james blank
Junior Member

Posts: 1
Joined: Nov 2004

Thursday 11/18/04 1:21 PM (NEW!)

Wow, I've some nasty things about my company on-line and I am proud (not really) to say that we are #1 on Bud Hibbs list of worst collectors. I have worked at numerous agencies over several years and none are really any better or worse than the next. There are always those who lie cheat and steal from consumers, and you know what, those same people lie cheat and steal from their fellow employees, they are called bad apples, and every industry has them. Unfortunately, in this field people tend to get rewarded for that kind of behavoir.

I can say with 100% confidence that our company does sue ALOT of accounts, contrary to what Hibbs states, I know because I am not a collector, rather an aid to the head of the "legal department" which is responsible for the entirety of the litigation (or arbitration) proccess.

Every office DOES have an attorney present during operating hours, and time-frames can be discussed with a debtor as to when we will file suit (of course as long as it is reasonable). We send out proper paperwork, including proof of debt, origional copies of applications (which are not cheap to obtain), and we wait the 30 days nesseccary inbetween most steps to allow the debtor to counter. Why then is Bud so increadably viscious when it comes to our office? Because when I first started (when the company was very young) we had multiple "reasons" to come across this Hibbs character.

Out of the many offices and several hundred employees we have currently there might be as many as a few dozen of these "bad apples", that the company tries to weed out of potitions of actually having to comunicate with the public, or that we just toss out on the street. I myself have walked employees out of the building before they even finished their sentence to the debtor. The main issues we have had have been the result of poor quality assurance, and this is because the majority of management puts alot of trust into the employee to make the correct decision.

I'll end it there, and if anyone has any questions don't hesitate to ask, however don't email me because I forgot the password to the email account I provided this site last year.