Thursday, April 28, 2005

The depraved mind of Cartman, aka lawdog, aka Uncle Normie

"Cartman" aka "Lawdog" aka "Uncle Normie" would have you go to his infamous blog so you can get a good load of his deranged blatherings. However, before you do that you might want to look at what he has posted on so that you are well prepared for what he has in store for you on the blog he is trying to lure you to with the link he posted in his message below.
Then if you can stomach that you will be well prepared for the rest of what flows incessantly from his sick and perverted mind. That is just the way debt collectors are. Sick and perverted people who scorn all whom they come in contact with. Enjoy and remember what you read here if you are ever so unfortunate as to be contacted by one of these sickos.

Billie Bauer Creditwrench


Recommend Message 2 in Discussion
From: Cartman

Google Billy Bauer Creditwrench and see what comes up

PCM Forums : Off Topic Discussions

Posted: April 27 2005 at 10:06pm | IP Logged

He continued to sit there in anticipation of the next phone call from a bill collector. Who would it be next, someone calling in reference to Home Depo, Arrow Financial or maybe Citibank? He owed them all money..

The tension in the air was electrifying. The prospect of another debt collector calling him and asking him to pay his bill was almost overwhelming.

Suddenly he notices a large run in his fish-net stockings. He gasps in despair.

The phone rings…

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Posted: April 28 2005 at 6:23am


Phil answered the phone as MayMay69 "Hello" bad falsetto.

The voice sounded serious, deep baritone, "I am calling for a Mr. Phil Hower".

"This is MayMay, Phil isn't here" Phil's MayMay voice cracking on the last syllable.

"That's fine Ms MayMay, I was confirming this is a number where he can be reached, Thank you."

"MayMay" logged the recorded call and began to fuss with the run on "her" stocking. The monitor went dark and the only light in the room was the reservation cigarette dangling from "MayMay's" lip. The glow began to bounce in the room as "MayMay" began to dance and sing "Like a a vi-ir-ir-ir-irgin...........

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Spinning through the dark dingy center of his/her empire, MayMay began to woolgather thinking of a wonderful time at a special cantina in ole Mexico.
1974 Tijuana

The shrill feedback shocked the senses and rattled the acrid smoky air of the old bar in the crappier section of TJ. “Testes Testes Uno Dos Tres” said a short man in the center of the stage, mildewed torn curtains behind him, micorphone stand 3 feet off the stage,.“Buenos noches amigos” said the MC a dwarf with a club foot wearing a suit he should have abandoned 20 pounds ago. “Hwelcome to our chow” He grinned a piece of spinach lodged in his yellow bicuspid , his full slicked back hair radiant with the spotlights, “ Tonight our Chow ees called “The Bride of the Burrrrrro”

The donkey’s brays could be heard back stage, but it was the sheep’s bah that drew Phil’s attention.

“Hwe need a volunteer amigos to romance DULCITA! At that the spotlight shown on a young lamb wearing a push up bra and “Hanes for Her” probably purchased at a store for muchachas grandes.

Phil was drunk enough and the lamb looked hot, what the hell he thought and throwing caution to the wind he arose and walked toward the stage as a group of sailors on shore leave began to chant “Do It!”

The poor innocent lamb took one look at the lecherous vile man staggering towards her.

She jumped down from the stage and over a few tables and got away. The burro did the same.. only before galloping out of the area to freedom, he placed one good kick to the back of the MC.. knocking him down and out. And as he passed by he managed to nudge the ugly disgusting degenerate of a man that was attempting to stop the unfortunate burro from fleeing.

The sick, depraved old man got back onto his feet, and as he did, he pulled out an ancient antique of a gun that looked as though it may have been use in the Civil War. Onto the gun was etched his name CREDITHAMMER. And as he raised the gun, he took aim at the poor defenseless burro, and shot him dead. The Burro fell to the ground and breathed his last breath. The despicable man proceeded to run after the terrified lamb. He managed to get off two shots before stumbling to the ground. Where bystanders raced forward and began to kick him and hit him with sticks.

Suddenly, the lamb found herself standing in front of St Peter at the gates of Heaven. She asked St Peter what happened and where was she. She told St Peter that the last thing that she remembered was running from an old ugly evil man. She heard shots fired and felt a big bang in her head. St Peter smiled at the poor creature and said “My dear sweet one, you are in heaven. And you have family and many friends here, including a Burro who just recently arrived and was asking about you.”

The lamb started to cry. She asked St Peter “What about that crazy old man that killed me? Can he chase after me here?” St Peter smiled and said “Have not fear my sweet one. Of this I can assure you, that old fool will not be approaching these gates.

Stumbling out the rank saloon, Phil steadied himself if only to avoid the rain of fists that would befall him if he neared the sailors. The room which previously smelled of sweat, beer, cigarettes, despair, cheap perfume, and livestock now reeked in a twisted potpourri of the previous now spiced with gore and cordite. (Ed Note- Foxy what a twist)

Death awaited the depraved pervert if he stayed a moment longer. His breath smelled like a jet of Binaca sheep scent. A toothless old prostitute spat at his face which only made him grin. He loved this town. His desires unsated he entered an S and M bar next door. "La Painadoria"

Inside a butch bull dike with a leather Nazi officer cap sneered as he entered his eyes now adjusting to the low light. Suspended from the ceiling by his nipples pierced by talons a la Richard Harris in "A Man Called Horse", hung a young man of Phillipino descent spinning in slow arcs. Ordering a cheap beer from a one-eyed waitress, Phil got comfortable and took in the spectacle around him

Debt collectors too ashamed to tell their kids the truth.

Debt collectors are ashamed of what they do

In a recent discussion on a sleazy debt collector's forum the following conversation took place.

Topic: Take your child to work day
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Posted: April 28 2005 at 10:28am | IP Logged

So I have two tag alongs with me today, my oldest daughter and son, who
got a day off from school to learn about the collections industry, what
specifically I do, etc etc.

I will report back later with the status, but was wondering who else had
the same opportunity, or would ever take their children to work with
them? What would they do? What would you teach them?
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Posted: April 28 2005 at 10:50am | IP Logged

I have and would take my girls to work. In the past, I just let them sit in my office and watch cartoons or play with toys. If I was going to teach them anything about the industry, I would teach them that if people borrow money, bill collectors will monitor them to make sure they do not try and steal the money they borrowed. I would keep it about that simple, because I really want my girls to do something else with their lives.

Certain is it that there is no affection as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; our sons, ambition; to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express

Zig says " If I was going to teach them anything about the industry, I would teach them that if people borrow money, bill collectors will monitor them to make sure they do not try and steal the money they borrowed."

If Zig is going to teach that lie to his girls he ought to finish it by adding the following to it: "and government has to police debt collectors so they don't abuse people or steal the money that belongs to the banks and credit card companies. "

He is so ashamed of what he does that he freely admits that "I really want my girls to do something else with their lives."

I would certainly hope so and so should all of us. Seems to this author that a parent who is a debt collector and even allows their children to be exposed to such an environment as a debt collector's work place ought to be prosecuted for child abuse.


"Cardman" aka "Uncle Normie" seems to miss the whole point of my posting to this group. His poor befuddled mind is so filled up with writing trash on forums and message boards like a child writing grafitti on bathroom walls that he somehow imagines that my postings have something to do with something called "creditwrench" and having no other handle to grasp he childishly beats on that subject.

The topic of conversation has nothing whatever to do with the selling of some product or service but rather exposing debt collectors for the wierdos and sickos that most of them are and informing the public about the collection industry and it's so called "professionalism" which of course does not exist except in their minds.

That is what irritates the pooch who calls himself "Uncle Normie" and also "Lawdog" as well as "cartman". The truth is that the only cart that cartman can associate himself with is usually known as a manure spreader. In his lame efforts to discredit he makes a posting here in which he states the following.

"This is an example of the responses you get from Creditwrench AKA Billie Bauer to a direct question on statute of limitations"

This isn't about Creditwrench or Billie Bauer or about any one individual at all but rather about the collection industry as a whole and the so-called "professionalism" they would like to fool people into believing they practice. Few if any here are interested in "Creditwrench" or Billie Bauer or Cartman's silly blog. None of that is at issue here. The only thing that is at issue here is the sleaze bags who infest the collection industry, abusing and harassing people who probably do not have a job or who have fallen on hard times one way or the other.

Cartman abundantly proves that he is on some kind of personal vendetta against something entirely different than the subject matter at hand. Since he chooses to spam this group just as he has 120,000 newsgroups multiple times using the dingo anonymous remailer in order to promote his private commercial agenda we can all just ignore his spamming as all the newsgroups have done and get on with the discussion of the evil tactics of debt collectors and why we should all know better than to pay them anything.

Why is it that they will never give anyone a receipt for the money if we are so foolish as to pay them anything? Any normal business will give a receipt for money paid but not a debt collector.

Can it be that if there is no receipt it will be much more difficult for the creditor who is hoping to collect at least some small portion of what is owed him to prove that the very person or company he trusted to collect the debt has now turned into a deadbeat himself? If you think that couldn't happen then I ask why is it that so many states demand that debt collectors be licensed, bonded, insured and maintain escrow accounts into which they must put money owed to their clients but not yet paid to them and account for that money? Is it to somehow protect consumers??? Not on your life it isn't. It is required of them because they have a history of stealing that money and never accounting for it then selling the debt to yet another debt collector who starts the process all over again.

There is good reason why the states demand license of debt collectors. They are thieves, scoundrels and scumbags and paying them only perpetrates their frauds therefore, if if you want to do the right thing by paying what you owe you should never pay them from a personal or business checking account, never give them access to any of your banking or credit card information but should always use a bank certified cashier's check and send it by certified mail return receipt requested and you should always make photo copies of the check before you send it. If you don't do that you may wake up one day a few years down the road to find out that some scumbag collection agency has bought the debt you paid long ago and is now coming back demanding that you pay yet once again.

That is the way the scumbags do business, but nobody except cartman-normie is trying to sell anybody anything here.

Debt collectors-- who are these people anyway?

Who are these people anyway? They viciously harass you and call you bad names. They embarrass you beyond belief by leaving detailed messages with your neighbors and at your workplace. In some cases, they have been known to stalk you!

Debt collection agencies are hired by your creditors to do their dirty work. If they get you to pay, the debt collector usually gets a percentage of what you owe, plus added fees. Some debt collection agencies buy your debt from the creditor for a low fee, maybe as little as 4 to 5 cents on the dollar and attempt to collect double and sometimes triple what you owe on your original debt by attaching high penalties, interest and other processing fees.

Basically, debt collectors make a living trying to scare and intimidate you into paying your bills. They don't care that your finances are in limbo because you have recently divorced or that your employer informed you in the eleventh hour that you were being laid-off. All debt collectors care about is that they will get a slice of the pie—if you pay.

Debt collectors convince themselves that you are a deadbeat, sitting on a stack of cash and refusing to pay. By painting a negative mental picture of you in their mind, they feel justified harassing you into paying a delinquent bill. Most debt collectors are just downright mean, nasty, heartless individuals who make a living scaring "the pants off" of people who are simply broke and trying to survive. They unleash their full fury on anyone who attempts to educate the public about them and their sleazy tricks. An educated public is a constant threat to their livelihood and of course they must protect that at all costs.

One lady reported that after she vehemently tried to explain to an unrelenting debt collector that she was recently divorced, underemployed and didn't have the money to pay the $12,000 credit card bill her ex-husband left her, the debt collector replied, "Look, fat lady, it's obvious that you could stand to skip a few meals. Just send me your food bill for one week to wipe out this debt!" The lady was horrified—not so much by his remarks because she was accustomed to the debt collector being rude to her on the phone—but by his comment regarding her size. How did he know she was overweight? Had he been stalking her? Probably not. Just like Uncle Normie, he probably knew that huge numbers of Americans are overweight and took a chance that this lady was too.

Debt collectors use many tactics to research you, especially if you owe a large debt. Remember, their livelihood depends on how many people they can get to pay overdue bills—the bigger the debt, the bigger their payoff. Debt collectors working on commissions are always harder to deal with at the beginning of the month but when it comes down to the end of the month they are willing to do most anything to meet their quotas and thereby qualify for their commission checks which are always the largest part of their salary. Somewhat like waitresses in a restaurant, they make a very low wage and must rely on commission checks to meet their bills.

Despite what debt collectors believe, most people are not faced with buying a ticket to Tahiti versus paying their credit card bill. People who are broke find themselves faced with real-life problems like putting food on the table versus paying a credit card bill!

Keep in mind that debt collectors are no different than you are. As the saying goes, "they put their pants on one leg at a time." They cannot physically harm you and the mental abuse they throw at you can be easily avoided. All you have to do is learn the law so that you know when you are being abused by these scumbags and how to meet their challenges.

The key to avoid being harassed to death on the phone is to remember that just like telemarketers, they work from a script and if you distract them they will not know what to do and so will not only make many mistakes but will also fail to collect. Never let them get control of a phone conversation. Never call a debt collector no matter how many messages they might leave on your answering machine.

Today, thousands of people are being harassed on the phone, at work and even sued by scumbag debt collectors like our "Cartman" aka "concerned citizen" aka "Uncle Normie" aka ad infinitium, ad nauseum and often for debts they do not even owe.