Debt collectors getting bent out of shape.
Seems like I have a penchant for getting debt collectors mad.
The fellow in the following link is a debt collector. I do have his name and his home phone number and his actual address and it is a matter of public record. His name indicates that he is of Italian Descent and that he lives in the NorthWest part of Atlanta, Georgia and in the zip code of 30152. And yes, I do have his verified actual home address.
This guy is making some real serious threats and using some extremely obscene language in stating exactly what he plans on doing to me. So if you have tender ears then don't click on the link and don't click on it when there are minor children around who might be able to hear it. The language he uses is extremely vulgar.
The only good part about it is that the police will be able to track him down easily and put him behind bars where he belongs. This is the official complaint number which I filed with the Oklahoma City Police department.
One mad debt collector