Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Now then, just so you thick heads really get a chance to understand the magnitude of what the WRENCH is doing to you each and every day, I'll give you a sample of some of the hundreds of emails I get from those links I gave you down below that you probably didn't even bother to go see what was on them.


Actually I am home now and getting harassed. It is actually my current wife getting called at work and she was not invovled with the debt until she married me. Can they legally be calling her at her work even though she was not a party in the debt? The 3pcd is doing all the things stated in your webpage. I wish I know about it before hand.

Have Focus Receivables Management calling me about an Alltell account I don't have. I have never had an account with Alltell and don't owe them any money yet this agency has been harrassing me for months. Do you have any idea how to get them off my back.

Tri County Has three charge offs on my credit. I dont have a clue what they are and they are piddlely.
One is 20.00 jan 2000 Can you help

The reason why I am looking up collection agencies, I am receiving many unwanted calls from a collection agengy looking for a David, I just happen to have a son named David. My husband and I are the only ones who live here and a David does not and has not lived in our home for at least 10 years now. These people call day in and day out and on weekends and I tell them not to call however to no avail. I feel very harrassed and I feel it is very unfair my husband and I who have A+ credit or being harrassed by a collection agency who we have no dealings with.

number of agency called last 888-377-9750
RE: Bob Bank, 866-279-8830 RE: Diane Foster just to name only two.

am looking for the creditor called check first a division of accelerated receivable
solutions. could you please tell me how i can contact them by e-mail? i owe them
money and was wanting to ask a question
I am in the mortgage business for H&R Block and specialize in helping people with
less than perfect credit. I like to give additional cash out when refinancing
to pay off collections. If you don't mind emailing me a list of agencies so I
might contact them. My email address is Thank you for your
list. :) I am a single mom of three boys, working to clean up my credit so that
someday we can buy a house. I was beating my head against the wall when it came
to locating credit agencies. Then I found your list. Now I spend more time on
the phone with credit agencies than I do looking for their numbers. With your
help and my hardwork, I just might own that house I want in the next five years.
Again thank you so much. There
you have it. A picture of just a few emails I have received from people looking
for you scumbags for whatever reason. And here is the stock answer most of them
get back from me.
you real sure you want to pay them off?? Here is why I ask that question. Paying
off your old debts is not the way to build good credit! Now then, I know that
is hard to imagine indeed, but thousands of people have learned that lesson the
hard way. They thought that it would help their credit but it only made it harder
to get new credit and when they did it cost them a lot more in interest charges.
Getting good credit means that you have no derogatory items on your credit file
at all. None whatever. If you want the absolute top best credit you must have
no derogatories whatever and a past history of 10 years of positive trade lines
without any late payments. Few indeed are the people who can achieve such pristine
credit levels. Did you know that any remark on your credit bureau reports is pure
poison to your credit reports? Did you know that paying them off will result in
them putting a notation on your credit reports that says "paid chargeoff" or "settled
for less" or maybe some other derogatory remark on your credit report? There are
several ways they say it but no matter how they say it, it is a derogatory remark
that can get you denied credit in the future and even if you do get credit it
will be at a greatly increased interest cost that will cost you an awful lot of
money over time? You need to stop thinking about how to pay them and start thinking
about how to protect yourself and your credit ratings. How to do that is what
I teach people. I teach them how to pay them safely in such a way that they have
no choice but to take it off your credit reports if they want the money. I also
teach people how to make them pay the bill and take it off your credit reports
instead of you having to pay them anything at all. I also teach people how to
answer motion for default and summary judgments and defeat their lawsuits at the
same time. I also teach people how to get their judgments vacated and get them
off their credit reports. If you want to learn to win the collections game you
need to send me an email asking me for my terms of service agreement. Here
is a funny little movie about the NCO debt collection agency
here is another little movie I think you will enjoy!
And you also need to
visit my websites at http://www.creditwrench.com
and get started learning how to do it the right way. Bill Bauer Creditwrench 405-616-7901
do you begin to get the picture??? Or are you all too stupid to see the handwriting
on the wall????? Many of these people are coming to me to keep from getting hammered
by you guys. You lose, I win. Then there are the more than 200 court cases I have
helped people defend themselves against just this year alone. Not one of them
ever lost although in a few cases the judges have "taken it under advisement and
will rule from his chambers". Yeah, maybe so someday. Some judges have already
been sitting on the cases trying to figure out what to do with them for at least
6 months now. So now who is more dangerous to your so called "industry"?????

You people really need to get a life and stop dreaming up love-hate relationships here. It isn't a matter of a sick old man with no A/C and nothing better to do with his remaining days than fuck with your silly message board.

It is strictly business as usual kiddies and I'm winning and you are losing every day of the week.

And not only am I beating you out of money before you ever get a chance to get your hands on it but my students are beating your lawyers in court every day and still more of them are the ones that are filing big time lawsuits on you and winning them easily.

So like I have said before, wake up and smell the coffee.

Senior Member

Posts: 475
Joined: Mar 2004

Tuesday 09/07/04 3:46 PM (NEW!)


Originally posted by: Stiffler
Also available in Backwoods Okie Whiteboy Tope. (artist's rendition)

... I like the comb-over. Very suave. I bet he has chicks hitting on him all the time. And dig those shades! I want a pair of those. Judging from the ski-goggle appearance, I assume they should be readily available at any sporting goods store? If not, I'm certain I can find a pair at the local Salvation Army.....

Masquerading as a normal person, day after day, is exhausting.

Average Joe
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Posts: 335
Joined: Apr 2004

Tuesday 09/07/04 1:16 PM (NEW!)

ACA's commentary was crap. Collectors still use fear as a motivator, like it or not.

And consumers continue to respond, favorably, to that approach. An old wise man once told me that everything we do is driven by fear, to some degree, and in my experience dealing with debtors, I have to agree.

Ultimately, a large percentage of payers become payers because they're fearing the consequences of them not paying. If you completely remove the negative consequences that usually follow non-payment, you will see a sharp decline in delinquent recoveries.

That does not mean that good, wise collectors are unable to apply other strategies. The best of the best know that you must be able to change your approach to collecting a debt like a chameleon changes colors, or you'll leave a lot of money on the table.

FEAR is a powerful motivator, and is used by folks all the time, in many different professions and scenarios. Ironically, it is one of the main focuses of the AofC crew in how they approach CAs when they want deletions, small settlements, or for the CAs to just go away.

Parents use it to motivate their kids, teacher use it to keep students in line, drill sergents use it to build rapport and develop respect.

What are your thoughts Bill?

Let's skip the rent this month.

Edited: Tuesday 09/07/04 at 1:17 PM by Average Joe
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Posts: 855
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Tuesday 09/07/04 9:38 AM (NEW!)

I thought you all might wanna know what our favorite
septuagenerian is up to. It seems he has absconded to
the Wrench Cave deep within the valley of
Oklahomah's Tenkiller lake:

Wrenche's Collection Industry Blog

Very very interesting, especially when its about me.
To think, I talked to this guy on the phone once.
I really never had anything bad to say about him, except his
wild theories he held... I just wish he wouldn't take all our posts
from which the context they
were written.

We always prefer war on our own terms to peace on someone else's. ~
Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Well, I may take some of them out of context but only in order
to put them in proper perspective. But then that depends upon
one's point of view, don't it??? And to be sure I am never going
to see eye to eye with any bill collectors. Breaks of the game.
So let the "good old boys" over at the collection industry message
board enjoy the results of what this blog is going to do to their
public image in a very short period of time. I'm sure they don't
realize the import of that as of yet but in time it might begin to sink in.

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Tuesday 09/07/04 9:41 AM (NEW!)

Isn't there anything I can do if I don't want him printing my words
on his site? Just curious, from a legal standpoint. I am not too keen
about this creepy old guy sitting in a room with no A/C, switching
IP addy's every few minutes, typing away about me with his
tin foil cap askew.

We always prefer war on our own terms to peace on someone else's. ~
Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Sorry about that pal. What the heck are you talking about, no
A/C??? Since I have 4 big ones you must be talking about
Art of Credit which is the subject that seems to befuddle your
poor brain the most lately.

Bill Lindala
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Posts: 989
Joined: Sep 2002

Tuesday 09/07/04 10:19 AM (NEW!)

That was one of the funniest things that I have ever skimmed thru!
(crditwrech's blog site)

Since he is reposting Google stats (obviously looking for his name
and collection industry.com), just mispell his name when you talk
about him (like I did above). It will take him hours, upon hours to
find all of this stuff!!

Just some simple fun for a Tuesday!
(Hi cditewrench! we love you!!! haha)

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.--Dennis Miller

Premier Consulting Group, LLC - Your Success Is Our Responsibility

Thanks for those two misspellings, Bill. I won't fret about them.
I just turned them into links. Misspellings like that help get
search engine rankings when people pull the same dumb stunt
you did. Obviously you didn't stop to think about that,
now did you????

And you are providing lots of great content which is also what
the search engines love. That's what blogs are good for in case
you didn't know it.

Keep the great content coming. I love it.
Hope you keep on thinking that watching this blog is funny.
You dudes all want to make fun of this old boy but what you
don't realize is that I am the single most dangerous thing to
ever hit your "industry", not Art of Credit.

They might file a few small claims cases on you but while they
are busy fiddling with that dumb stuff I'm busy shutting off
your money supply by teaching hundreds of people how to
stop your judgments before they ever get laid on them.
I'm also helping shut off your money supply by letting your
clients, both present and potential know about how you operate
and put them in danger of getting sued for your errors and violations of law.

So that makes this blog a whole lot more dangerous to your "industry"
than any silly message board ever will be.

Do you notice all those archives over there on the right side???
You really ought to notice them real good because each and every one of
them becomes a separate webpage out there for the search engines to
pick up on and they do that very quickly.

You want a preview of what is coming your way? Go to any search engine
and type in the word Capitol One and look for my webpage called
Capo0ne sucks. That ought to get you laughing out the other side of your
silly faces.

I tried to tell you when I was on your dumb message board
what I was doing to you but you chose to ignore me.
That's OK. You will learn the hard way then.

Have a nice day.

Senior Member

Posts: 858
Joined: Jun 2004

Tuesday 09/07/04 1:54 PM (New)

Check it out guys, reserve your creditbench today

Just like our departed friend: its old fashioned,
its wooden, and works best when hung by
chains.. and much much more!

Watch as your dog sleeps on it, your children recoil
in terror from it, and young women become ensared
in its gaze! Its just barely worth having around,
but you soon won't be able imagine life without
your very own

We always prefer war on our own terms to peace on someone else's. ~
Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Another great mis-spelling. Thanks a lot guys.
You are really helping out a lot today.

29 http://www.collectionindustry.com/forum/messageview.cfm?

4 http://creditwrench.netfirms.com/Connecticut_collection_

2 http://www.blogger.com/app/post.pyra?blogID=7448559&

2 http://collectionindustry.blogspot.com/

2 http://www.creditwrench.greatnow.com/North_Dakota_

1 http://www.creditwrench.greatnow.com/collectionagenciesin


1 http://www.creditwrench.greatnow.com/

1 http://www.creditwrench.greatnow.com/Collection_Agencies_in_

1 http://www.creditwrench.greatnow.com/Collection_Agencies_

1 http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&

1 http://www.creditwrench.greatnow.com/Tennessee_collection_

1 http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?ps=ba%3d(0.15)0....(.1)0.

1 http://collectionindustry.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid

1 http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&q

1 http://www.creditwrench.greatnow.com/Capitol-One-Sucks.html

So take a look at those weblog statistics while you are laughing your selves silly. Do you remember back when that I told you that people were hunting for you in the search engines and you would not believe me??? Well now, there is just a very small piece of the picture. I get hundreds of emails a day from people who are looking for collection agencies in order to pay them off thinking that is somehow going to help their credit ratings.

You didn't believe me back then, did you???? Thought I was pulling your legs or something. So now you can have the fun of clicking on some of those links and see for
yourself what those people hunting for you are being told. A part of it at least.

So now do you think I'm just a funny old man at the bottom of some Oklahoma lake with a tin foil hat???? If so, wake up and die right.

Senior Member

Posts: 473
Joined: Mar 2004

Tuesday 09/07/04 11:15 AM (NEW!)

Wrench has been adding to his blog since he was banned from
this site. I've reviewed it a few times over the past couple of
months and I find it sad that a man of his age has relegated
himself to spending his waking hours scouring discussion boards
and re-posting threads to his little blog.

Ostensibly, he is doing so only to spam the search engines so
anyone looking for collection services will find his little blog and
become mortified at what they find.

He thinks the blog is somehow exposing us for the blood-thirsty
heathens he views us as.

No, Stupid. Not at all.
You don't have a clue as to what is really
happening to you and your ilk.
It isn't about exposing you. It is all about the money.
Are you so stupid you can't figure that out??
The money is in all those hundreds of people
hunting for your lazy worthless asses so they
can pay you!

Do you see those lists of debt collector addresses
over on the right side there??? NO????
Too stupid to see the light???

Those people are wanting to find you and your
partners in crime so they can pay you off.
I'm putting a stop to that. They find me
instead of you. I get paid, you don't!!!
Get the picture, sucker?????

Well, for starters, I can assure him that anyone
looking for a CA is NOT going to invest their valuable
time reading days and days worth of postings on his blog.
They have neither time nor interest.

You think so, eh? Well, I have to agree with you that
they are not interested. Until I get their attention that is!
Then they get interested real fast. LOL

I should know. I take such calls from prospective clients all day
long, and they're always pressed for time. It's difficult to keep
them on the phone more than 10 minutes.

It's sad that a man with such intelligence wiles away his remaining
days obsessing with us here on this board.
I'll bet he doesn't post THIS thread.

Sure! Yeah feller! You bet it's sad. Its sad that you are so stupid
that you think I'm just whiling away my remaining days obsessed with you
fools. Tell you what Rube. On the internet the name of the game is content
and links. That's how you market and get customers and that is how you make
money. 8,000 people have visited this blog in the last 15 days. That's 8,000
people who get to see how stupid you really are. That's 8,000 people who have
learned that paying you hyenas off isn't going to help them one little bit.

It would expose him for the withering, deluded Don Quixote old soul that he is, wasting away in the sticks of Oklahoma, trying to divine the tornado season.

BTW, Wrench, when you read this (as you do so every day, all day long), Dick Hertz sends his regards. He still thinks you're an idiot. Unlike yourself, at least HE is going to law school, not dredging up case law and playing armchair attorney.

Good luck with your blog, for whatever you think it will do for you in your remaining few years on this earth.

How about 10 grand a month and growing every day??? Most of it right out of your wallets. That's good enough for me.

Masquerading as a normal person, day after day, is exhausting.

Senior Member

Posts: 621
Joined: May 2004

Tuesday 09/07/04 11:29 AM (NEW!)

At least he's found something to do since being banned.

Does the term sour grapes mean anything?

Probably means something to you but not to anybody with a brain in their fool heads

Well done wrench! Occupying your time with more useless stuff.

Enter this and see how high it comes up (if anyone has the time to scroll down and find it)


It's reminds me of the kid who got in trouble in school and had to sit alone in another classroom, so he does what he hopes would be interesting stuff to make the rest in class jealous. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

SPAR7AN117: Halo 2 arrives on 11.09.2004

Edited: Tuesday 09/07/04 at 11:29 AM by SPAR7AN117

Senior Member

Posts: 862
Joined: Jun 2004

Tuesday 09/07/04 1:46 PM (NEW!)

I love he spoofs on our web address with almost the same thing collectionindustry.blogspot.com ?? He used to whine about how some other guy had a blog that posted our stuff.

I am jealous of how Dr Tax gets his farewell letter signed with dripping blood, did you see that? Then Wrench says farewell to the crybaby.

He is a funny guy, his take on life amuses me, but its all about using your humor and intelligence for good or evil.

We always prefer war on our own terms to peace on someone else's. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Senior Member

Posts: 868
Joined: Jun 2004

Tuesday 09/07/04 4:36 PM (NEW!)


Originally posted by: Derek

Originally posted by: Stiffler
Also available in Backwoods Okie Whiteboy Tope. (artist's rendition)

... I like the comb-over. Very suave.

Thats a real picture of him he provided like 3 years ago. He allready put up all of our posts from today and, judging by his choice of fonts, he is real angry with Derek.
Hey fool, I don't get mad at nobody. I just have fun and get even. I'm not mad at you goat-ropers! Hell, you chumps are more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

The whole black backdrop with the blood is sorta unnerving, but thats about it. He says something about how he wants to cut off our money supply and how Capitol One sucks and such. Well, I don't work for 'K' as their referred to by their CA's and I have private funding (although some new public stuff coming on the scene) but listen Credit Wretch, I am not worried. I am 26 and don't plan on doing this job for ever (I wanna end up like Lindala with ulcers and Todd with a broken jaw.. no).
TwentySix??? Sonny you ain't even dry behind the ears yet. (LOL)

You have lived 3 times my life and its so wierd that you stalk us now, kinda flattering, but most of all just interesting. You sure have mastered the html, I know you love that Credit Bench and you would totally shell out for one. I know your sense of humor, NOW GET ON THE TROLLY AND GO AFTER THE REAL ENEMY, NO LAWS BEING TRAMPLED HERE AH-B AHHH-B AHHH-BBBILLY BOYYEE! Muahahahaha. I love getting old dudes riled up, check this quote:


So now do you think I'm just a funny old man at the bottom of some Oklahoma lake with a tin foil hat???? If so, wake up and die right.
Riled up??? That's a hoot! Some ego you got thinking I'm going to get riled up over a board full of fools out chasing Art of Credit. (LOL)
Ain't either one of you got sense enough to come in out of the rain.

We always prefer war on our own terms to peace on someone else's. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

You mean like that??? Hey fool, did you notice that every one of those chains and lines dripping blood are clickable??? Remember what I said earlier??? Its content and links that count when it comes to marketing on the internet. See how that works??? And here you were so stupid you thought that line of dripping blood was supposed to mean something, didn't you??? All it normally means is that the days postings are at an end and the red line separates the days postings. And of course, its the links. Got that fool? Its the links.