Posts: 52
Joined: Sep 2004
Monday 09/20/04 8:05 AM (NEW!)
Yeah, Spar, I'm multifaceted. The tone here regarding me changed a little after I posted that I recently "banko'd," which I figured it would. Regardless, I know the importance of collectors, but the mantra from both extremists gets really old quick.
I have lurked here over the last year or two and never had any interest in posting in an environment where any AoCer that posts here gets beat up no matter what he/she says. I didn't really blame you guys since most of the time they'd come over here to vent, so the atmosphere wasn't quite amicable for a decent exchange. I decided I'd give it a shot. I came here with good intentions to help in sharing information and maybe provide a different perspective than the typical "you guys suck." I had hoped to receive better than the "you're a deadbeat," which I think I have...a little bit at least. Heck, Stiffler even asked Mom if I could stay. I thought that was progress....
I'm happy to go back to my "6:30am - Midnight" forums if you guys don't want a more balanced perspective. Otherwise, I'll continue to try and help where I can.
Lots of luck there fellow. I tried that approach too. Seemed to me that since I have the single most effective program in existance that has the capability to put them out of business given enough time and enough people using it they ought to at least be warned of what is likely to happen to them if and when they happen to run into one of my students. And of course, they didn't want to hear it so they ended up banning me from their forum.
That ended up with this blog which will only help me in ways they will never be able to understand. Their little forum does nothing but help them masturbate their egos by bashing debtors and making light of them. Their forum isn't about teaching anybody anything or helping each other, but rather only to help make them appear more invincible to the average debtor.
Anybody who exposes their crapola for what it is will soon be banished just like they do over on Art of Credit. Such forums never teach anybody anything but rather only foster the spread of useless chatter and nonsense .
So don't be too surprised if your words fall on deaf ears. That's just the way it is on such message boards as CI and Art of Credit. They all want to tell you what you ought to do but never how to do it.
Therefore, they are about as much use as piles of pigeon poop on the rooftop.