Monday, May 16, 2005

The many identities of Uncle Normie

Not your blog?

Well, how about that Sports Fans?


Recommend Message 4 in Discussion
From: Cartman

I keep telling you Billie Bauer AKA time Smiling Creditwrench (I don't get it) KayKay29, Chief, Wag, TXOutlaw, OBSICollect, Marzidoats, BernaB, LoloM, Psycdoc, hoosegow1, and a cast of thousands it is NOT my blog.

He finally said one thing that was not a bold faced, bare @$$ed lie. He says he does not have a blog.

Neither do any of the rest of his fake identities including but not limited to , Lawdog,cartman, Mr. Hankey, Bkev, My3sonburns, E. Normis, Enormis, Enormis Debtor, Sheepman, Dr. Tax, Flyingvfr, Flyingifr, Concerned Citizen, lizard, lizardking, Bobby and last but not least, , Moron, Imbecile, Meathead and a cast of thousands more like them.

Just like the enormis lies he spreads across the internet, his screen names and spam are like gang graffitti spray painted on the sides of boxcars down at the railroad yards in the middle of the night. Soon gone, soon forgotten about, laughed at by some, scowled at by most, heeded by none.

Meanwhile, back at the sheep ranch, he and his imaginary gang stand around the campfire high fiving himself, cackling and guffawing about the blog he don't have.

A typical debt collector.